Kimberly Skillin Traina is an artist living in the town of Edgecomb. A graphic designer, Kim’s business has been put on hold with COVID-19, leaving her turning more regularly to her own art for grounding.

“I used to just set Fridays aside for painting. Now I paint every day. Painting helps me process my emotions and grief, bringing me to a place of strength and resilience.”  

Kim visited Reid State Park in Georgetown on March 24, prior to the park being closed. “I took some amazing photos of incredibly exhilarating waves on a bright blue day.” From these photos, Kim made Griffith Head, Reid State Park, the pastel painting shown here. “The wave in my painting came out larger than life—even larger than the waves that day. That’s how it feels right now, just so overwhelming.”

During this past month, Kim has found herself making art with the ocean as her subject. “During these times of uncharted waters, I have been drawn to the ocean for reassurance. Through the power of the waves and the constancy of the tides, I am reminded we will get through this.”

An apt perspective for Coronavirus days.

Kimberly Skillin Traina has for 30 years been a self-employed graphic designer and photographer. Her artwork—all of which is for sale—can be seen at her website.