Art Spot

Each issue of Yarrow & Cleat spotlights a work of art from one of the many artists living in the Boothbay Region.

Ed Epping’s art shines a light on mass incarceration in the United States.

Ed Nadeau’s painting has more to it than meets the eye.

Jaap Eduard Helder’s art has an urgency well-suited to the times.

Nancye Hesaltine offers a calming daily art practice any of us might pursue.

Their unexpected arrival in his studio has been cathartic for John Seitzer.

Priscilla May Alden finds life’s twists and turns mirrored in her art.

Alice Mutch uses painting to turn grief into hope.

Needle felting brings springtime thoughts to Helen Farnham.

Ed Parker offers a picture of hope and faith in trying times.

Lynne Seitzer has always made paintings of birds and is finding more joy than ever from it now.